Future of Work
La Metodología Orientación Socio-Ocupacional (OSO)
La metodología OSO (Orientación Socio-Ocupacional), desarrollada por Enseña por Colombia, aliado de la red global Teach For All, apoya a los jóvenes en su transición de la escuela a la vida adulta, enfocándose en tres áreas clave: autoconocimiento, e...
Education in Emergencies
Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami
A lesson to examine the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami in 2018, which left over 1,700 people dead, over 60,000 displaced from their homes, and thousands more injured or missing. In this lesson, students will review what has happened and explore the...
Climate Education
Australia Institute: Teaching Climate Change
This resource has been compiled by staff at The Australia Institute in conjunction with high school teachers and university academics who work in the field of climate change. The modules cover the science and impacts, and economics of climate change ...
Education in Emergencies
Emergency Helpers
This two-minute video reminds students that there's always someone helping. After watching the video together, ask students to name some of the special helpers they can go to in an emergency (such as a doctor, firefighter, police officer, or teacher)...
Glossary of Key Language Choices in TACL
In our attempt to capture the real spirit of the classrooms we have studied in TACL, we have sometimes intentionally used words and phrases in a slightly unusual way. We invite you to learn more about our language choices by exploring this Glossary.
Climate Education
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Summary for Teachers
This resource provides a summary for teachers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The guide is designed to make core scientific concepts easily accessible to non-specialist teachers. It includes valuable ...
Encuesta de Mentalidades de Docentes
El instrumento Encuesta de Mentalidades de Docentes consta de una batería de ítems en forma de afirmaciones que los encuestados afirman mediante una escala de calificación. Estas declaraciones fueron formuladas para identificar los cambios de mentali
Education in Emergencies
Newsthink: Ukraine
A lesson exploring the war in Ukraine and how humanitarian crises affect people. Using a photograph, students will debate the statements "Civilians should never be targeted" and "All people deserve to be safe," and will explore their values and opini...