Girls' Education
What We Learn About Girls' Education from Interventions that Do Not Focus on Girls
This review brings together evidence from 270 educational interventions from 177 studies in 54 low- and middle-income countries and identifies their impacts on girls, regardless of whether the interventions specifically target girls.
Climate Education
Earth Manual Project
The Earth Manual Project showcases best practices for dealing with disasters at different stages, from preparedness education to response and relief efforts, with a particular focus on practices that use creative design ideas. Accounts from implement...
Girls' Education
A Year to Clean Five Schools of Sexism – Shouldn’t Others do the Same?
An article on a pilot program run in five London primary schools by a nonprofit, Lifting Limits, that provides teachers with the skills and resources to recognize and correct gender bias and to support students in challenging gender inequalities.
Climate Education
The Global Architecture for Climate Action
This blog discusses how climate change is tackled globally and how the topic can be adequately addressed by the education sector. Lessons highlighted are on coalition-building, multiple-level action, and centralized and decentralized coordination of ...
Education in Emergencies
Trinka and Sam: The Day the Earth Shook
A story that helps young children, their families, and teachers talk about feelings and worries they may have after experiencing an earthquake. This children's book describes some of Trinka's and Sam's reactions and how their parents help them to exp...
Girls' Education
Barriers to STEM Education for Rural Girls: A Missing Link to Innovation for a Better Bangladesh
This policy paper unveils the barriers to educational opportunities for rural girls in Bangladesh, focusing on STEM education. It uses a survey of 500 rural secondary-level schoolgirls, 100 parents, and 75 teachers from 30 rural schools in Gazipur.
Girls' Education
We Can’t Measure Women’s Empowerment the Same Way Everywhere—But Should We Try?
An article describing the challenges of measuring the empowerment of women to evaluate the impact of programs, such as the limitations of standardized questions, and recommended solutions.
What Leadership Do We Need Now? Voices From the Teach For All Network on How We Can Shape a Better Future
This book explores the kind of leadership we need to develop in our students, teachers, and ourselves through the perspectives of teachers, students, alumni, and staff members from across the network.
Teacher Mindsets Survey
The Teacher Mindset Survey instrument consists of a battery of items in the form of statements that the respondents affirm using a rating scale. These statements were formulated to map with the individual's mindset shifts about the Lenses in the Teac