Inclusive Education
Universal Design for Learning: A Teacher's Guide
This article highlights the purpose of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), what it looks like in the classroom, and the principles of UDL that emphasize learner variability. It also looks at how families can support student learning through UDL.
Girls' Education
Leave No Child Behind: Global Report on Boys’ Disengagement from Education
A global report on boys’ disengagement from education with qualitative and quantitative evidence from over 140 countries. It identifies factors influencing boys’ learning outcomes, analyzes responses by governments, and includes recommendations.
Climate Education
Office for Climate Education Resources
This is a hub of climate education resources for teachers, trainers, and the general public. The Office for Climate Education (OCE) has a specific focus on climate science, translating Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) findings into di...
Climate Education
Australian Association for Environmental Education Resources
The Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc. develops and shares a variety of resources and materials for use in educational lessons on sustainability and the natural environment. The topics include climate change, butterfly gardening,...
Education in Emergencies
Monsoon Rains
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people who fled violence in Myanmar now live in makeshift camps in Bangladesh and living conditions are extremely basic. This lesson explores how the monsoon season affects life in these camps and work that is being ...
Education in Emergencies
остановить катастрофы
Эта онлайн-игра учит взрослых и детей, как строить деревни и города так, чтобы они были более безопасны в условиях бедствий. Играя, пользователи узнают, какое значение имеют местоположение и строительные материалы в случаях катастроф, и как системы р...