Education in Emergencies
A Hurricane Comes to Sesame Street
Watch Big Bird’s friends help him rebuild his nest after a hurricane, similar to how teachers can help rebuild students' sense of safety and security. Teachers can reflect with students on questions like: How did Big Bird feel when he saw his nest ru...
Education in Emergencies
Ayudantes Especiales
Vídeo de 2 minutos para recordar a los alumnos que siempre hay alguien que ayuda. Después de ver el vídeo juntos, pídeles que nombren a algunos de los ayudantes especiales a los que pueden recurrir en caso de emergencia (como un médico, un bombero, u...
Leading With Strengths: A Leadership Development Session From Teach For All’s Global Leadership Accelerator
Dive into leadership transformation with this 2020 session video that not only unlocks leadership potential but tackles the challenges of deficit-based thinking. Learn how to shift from deficits to strengths, overcoming obstacles in the process.
Education in Emergencies
Path Out UNHCR Video Game
In this adventure video game, players replay the journey of Abdullah, a young Syrian artist who escaped the civil war in 2014. "Path Out" is a tale full of surprises, challenges, and humor, giving insight to this real-life displacement adventure.