Nuestro Trabajo como Sistémico, Ejercicio Reflexivo: Habilitadores e Inhibidores
Ninguna persona tiene una visión constante de esta lente. En este ejercicio, podrás averiguar qué nos permite ver nuestro trabajo como sistémico.
Girls' Education
Paying for Education Outcomes at Scale in India
A study on how India is playing a leading role in its use of innovative financing for development with impact bonds, an outcome-based financing structure. It outlines key lessons to be drawn for their application to education.
Climate Education
Earthducation Library
The Earthducation Library is a collection of free learning resources such as videos, courses, teaching guides, and environmental education references curated especially for Filipino educators. The main topics covered in the resources are climate chan...
Girls' Education
Girl Rising Curriculum
This Girl Rising curriculum addresses an array of issues ranging from inquiries such as, “How do economies grow when girls are educated?” to “How do parents keep their daughters safe and cared for?” It has fact sheets and teacher guides.
The colonial roots of inequity & the need for culturally relevant, community centered education in Uganda
In this video from 2020, Teach For Uganda alumnus Charles Obore shares his reflections on the colonial roots of inequity, the need for culturally relevant education, and community-centered leadership.
Climate Education
Climate Change Interactives
The website offers engaging ways to explore our changing planet through NASA’s eyes. It features a 3D visualization of the earth, a climate time machine where users can visualize how earth's climate changed over time, a global ice viewer that explore...