Girls' Education
CAMFED's Learner Guide Program
Information about the organization CAMFED flagship program that involves women in Africa in the CAMFED Association—once themselves supported by CAMFED—returning to their local schools as mentors to help vulnerable girls learn and thrive.
Education in Emergencies
Wer ist ein Flüchtling?
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR zur Definition des Begriffs „Flüchtling“. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht sein und auch im Unterricht benutzt werden, um das Thema für Studenten ins Leben zu rufen.
Climate Education
Teach For Romania Earth Week Video
This Earth Week video highlights Teach For Romania’s commitment to climate education. The organization believes that all children deserve the opportunity to learn about climate change, and therefore every teacher should be equipped to integrate this ...
Climate Education
The Global Architecture for Climate Action
This blog discusses how climate change is tackled globally and how the topic can be adequately addressed by the education sector. Lessons highlighted are on coalition-building, multiple-level action, and centralized and decentralized coordination of ...
Ako: Responsive, Reciprocal Learning Relationships
Watch this video from New Zealand in 2015 to see how Maori insights on learning can offer a vision for a more inclusive approach to education.