Future of Work
Career Orientation in Schools: Challenges and Solutions
In this article, Heike Yürgüc examines career guidance challenges in the German education system, where a 2023 Bertelsmann Foundation survey found that only 37% of young people feel adequately supported. The article highlights four key strategies for...
Education in Emergencies
Arrêtons les catastrophes!
Ce jeu en ligne montre aux adultes et aux enfants comment construire des villes et des villages plus sûrs face aux catastrophes. En jouant, les utilisateurs prennent conscience de l'impact de l’emplacement et des matériaux de construction des maisons...
Education in Emergencies
Refugee Rights
This is a short animation video by UNHCR that outlines the rights that refugees have and international laws that protect them. It can be useful for teachers when preparing for a lesson and also a strong visual aid for students to watch within lessons...
Education in Emergencies
Newsthink: Ukraine
A lesson exploring the war in Ukraine and how humanitarian crises affect people. Using a photograph, students will debate the statements "Civilians should never be targeted" and "All people deserve to be safe," and will explore their values and opini...
Education in Emergencies
Talking to Children About Emergencies
An article on how to start a conversation with your students about what happens when the unexpected happens. It’s hard to know what to say when talking to students about emergencies. Teachers don’t want to worry their students, but it’s important for...
Climate Education
Fridays For Future
Sparked by 15-year-old Greta Thunberg's protest in front of the Swedish parliament in 2018, Fridays For Future later evolved into a youth-led movement for climate action. Teachers can use this as a case study for discussing youth activism and motivat...
Education in Emergencies
Qui sont les déplacés internes?
Cette courte vidéo d’animation du HCR définit l'expression « personne déplacée interne ». Cette vidéo peut aider à préparer une leçon et peut également être utilisée pour donner vie à ce sujet dans le cadre des leçons des élèves.