Climate Education
Cocoa Climate: A Film and Lesson Plan for Primary Schools
A film with a corresponding lesson plan designed to introduce the topic of climate change to elementary school students to enhance their understanding of the issues. The film provides a comparative perspective between the climate in the UK and the cl...
Inclusive Education
Students’ Experiences of UDL
Students share their experiences with Universal Design for Learning at Karori Normal School in New Zealand. They appreciate being offered choices and the ability to work at a different pace depending on their understanding of the material.

Climate Education
WWF's Educational Resources
This site features a library of toolkits on the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) priority species and conservation goals, recorded virtual events, and other educational tools such as apps, games, and videos. An email address is required to access the tool...
Education in Emergencies
Pecyn adnoddau Hawliau Dynol yn yr Ysgol Gynradd
Mae'r adnodd hwn yn cynnwys gweithgareddau ar gyfer gwersi rhyngweithiol i helpu plant 5-11 oed i ddeall eu hawliau dynol a'r gwerthoedd a'r agweddau sy'n sail iddynt. Mae'r pynciau'n cynnwys masnach fyd-eang a masnach deg, tlodi ac anghydraddoldeb, ...
Education in Emergencies
Prepárate con Pedro
Pedro es un pingüino y le encanta aprender sobre cómo puede prepararse y tomar medidas durante una emergencia para ayudar a las niñas y los niños pequeños y sus familias a mantenerse seguros. Visita a sus amigos en todas partes de los Estados Unidos ...

Climate Education
Transform Our World Resources
A quality-rated resource hub to help teachers bring environmental action into the classroom. It includes a range of resources from individual lesson plans and assemblies to full-scale year-long programs on various sustainability and environment-based...
Education in Emergencies
Wer ist ein Flüchtling?
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR zur Definition des Begriffs „Flüchtling“. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht sein und auch im Unterricht benutzt werden, um das Thema für Studenten ins Leben zu rufen.

Climate Education
Climate Generation Resource Library
A resource library of curricula, stories and guides, videos, activities, and toolkits. The resources are interdisciplinary and can be used in the following classes: earth science, life science, physical science, civics, economics, history, media, Eng...