Education in Emergencies
Wohin gehen Flüchtlinge?
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR mit einem Blick auf die Orte, an die Flüchtlinge nach ihrer Vertreibung gehen. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht und auch ein starkes visuelles Hilfsmittel im Unterricht sein.
Strength In Unity 1: Co-constructing a learning community of student leaders
Through this video from 2015, visit a classroom in Delhi where Pooja Chopra, a former teacher with Teach For India, partnered with students to create their vision and community.
Education in Emergencies
Humanitarian Crisis in Mozambique
A lesson to examine and discuss what people need following the natural disasters in Mozambique and how they can recover. After the 2019 tropical cyclone Kenneth, six weeks after cyclone Idai, videos and photographs look at what has happened, people's...
Education in Emergencies
L'histoire d'Omar
Dans cette vidéo, Omar, un enfant réfugié, évoque sa vie de famille en Syrie, la sécurité de la vie avant la guerre et son parcours à la suite de son déplacement. Les enseignants peuvent également utiliser un plan de cours d'accompagnement.
Climate Education
To Tackle the Climate Crisis, We Need Climate Education and Collective Leadership
This piece discusses the importance of climate education in equipping young people to be resilient and solutions-oriented agents in the face of climate change. It includes stories of climate leadership that can instigate hope and build collective lea...
Climate Education
Environmental Reflections in Asian Cinema
This film collection explores the intricate relationship between environmental degradation and conservation, and its intersection with the socio-economic and political landscapes in India, Indonesia, and the Philippines through the lens of cinema. Th...
Climate Education
Education for Sustainability
A compilation of education for sustainability principles curated for learners and educators within the context of New Zealand. These principles serve as a guiding framework, that will help cultivate a conscious perspective and actions that elevate th...
Climate Education
Fairtrade Schools - Lesson Plans
A compilation of resources designed to assist teachers and students in exploring our interconnected world, fostering critical thinking about the challenges confronting our global society. Although they are specifically tailored to align with curricul...
Climate Education
Choosing Earth's Climate Future
In this interactive lesson, students focus on the three interconnected choices global society faces as Earth’s climate continues to chang: suffer, adapt, and/or mitigate. The lesson guides students to analyze and predict current and future impacts to...