Education in Emergencies
Detenegan los desastres
Este juego en línea enseña a adultos y niños cómo construir pueblos y ciudades más seguros frente a los desastres. Los usuarios aprenden a través del juego cómo la ubicación y los materiales de construcción de las casas influyen en los desastres y có...
Anseye Pou Ayiti (Part 1): To change the future we need to know our past and reclaim our identity
Explore this video from 2022, as part 1 of a series that shows how Anseye Pou Ayiti grounds their work in culture, community, and customs and is working to build a collective movement for educational equity in Haiti.
Climate Education
Climate Education and Leadership Initiative
This living document spells out the problem definition and approach of Teach For All's Climate Education and Leadership Initiative. It provides a growing annex with examples of network stories / outreach on climate education and leadership.
Climate Education
British Red Cross Climate Education Resources
These resources were designed to help people prepare for and cope with extreme weather events and the negative effects of climate change. Topics covered include heatwaves, floods, and eco-anxiety. The page provides a teacher toolkit, topical resource...
Climate Education
The Environment Excuse
An interactive website with engaging videos and visually appealing suggestions on how to address climate change in five areas: food, at home, when shopping, transportation, and advocacy. Its user-friendly materials make it suitable for classroom inst...