Future of Work
3 Ways To Integrate Careers Into Your Lessons
Career education shouldn’t be confined to the careers office—it’s something every teacher can contribute to. In this blog, Susie Kendall, a Curriculum Design Manager for the Careers Leader Programme, explores three simple and impactful ways educators...
Education in Emergencies
Ayudantes Especiales
Vídeo de 2 minutos para recordar a los alumnos que siempre hay alguien que ayuda. Después de ver el vídeo juntos, pídeles que nombren a algunos de los ayudantes especiales a los que pueden recurrir en caso de emergencia (como un médico, un bombero, u...
Climate Education
Climate Change and Girls' Education: School Resource Pack
This resource pack contains a curriculum with lesson plans broken down into six steps: understanding climate change, exploring climate justice, emphasizing girls' education, empowering youth, considering behavioral and system change, and engaging in ...
Education in Emergencies
Wer ist ein(e) Asylbewerber(in)?
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR zur Definition des Begriffs „Asylbewerber“. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht sein und auch im Unterricht benutzt werden, um das Thema für Studenten ins Leben zu rufen.
Climate Education
Teachers for Climate Action
This site provides lesson plans, videos, and book recommendations to teach about the climate and ecological emergency. The site also includes access to a Radical Geographer handbook, which recognizes the need for a reclamation of geography from its i...
Climate Education
OECD: Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking
The OECD curated a set of lesson plans with a focus on creativity and critical thinking, developed by experts and teachers across teams in 11 countries. The lesson plans aim to inspire teachers by making visible the kind of approaches and tasks that ...