Esther Rakete: Conflicting Pathways of Success
This video from 2018, explores the perspective of Esther Rakete, a Maori educator and activist. Drawing on her own experience, and her knowledge of the violence that was done to her Maori ancestors, she makes a powerful argument that our best hope fo
Estudiantes como Líderes, Ejercicio Reflexivo: Polaridades
En este ejercicio, reflexionamos acerca de dónde nos encontramos dentro de un espectro completo de perspectivas relacionadas con esta lente Estudiantes como Líderes. Y consideramos qué otros espectros de perspectivas se relacionan con esta lente.
What Leadership Do We Need Now? Voices From the Teach For All Network on How We Can Shape a Better Future
This book explores the kind of leadership we need to develop in our students, teachers, and ourselves through the perspectives of teachers, students, alumni, and staff members from across the network.
Samia Habli Creating Healing Spaces
In this video from 2020, Samia shows how she created healing spaces inside and outside of the classroom for her students to begin developing the awareness and agency they needed to understand and overcome the inequities they were facing.