Core Insights: Locally Rooted, Globally Informed Visions of Student Success
What is the purpose of education, and who decides it? Too often, visions of student success are imposed on students, families, and communities rather than co–constructed with them. Explore these core insights on developing a locally rooted, globally
A Literature Review on the TACL Outcomes Framework: Well-being, Connectedness, Awareness, Agency and Mastery
In this research paper, Madhu Narayanan, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy at Portland State University, explores the evidence supporting the TACL outcomes framework and offers additional avenues for future inquiry.
Nuestro Trabajo como Sistémico, Ejercicio Reflexivo: Polaridades
En este ejercicio, reflexionamos acerca de dónde nos encontramos dentro de un espectro completo de perspectivas relacionadas con esta lente. Y consideramos qué otros espectros de perspectivas se relacionan con este lente de Nuestro Trabajo como Sisté
Why: Collective, Contextualized Vision
Through this video from 2014, virtually visit communities and classrooms around the world and learn from educators, families, and students about the power of asking WHY. Explore the power of contextualized visions of student success to inform classro
Choose to connect
In this 2013 video, Teach For America alumnus Isaac Pollack tackles the seemingly impossible task of transforming Carver High School in New Orleans. Faced with academic gaps and skepticism from students in impoverished, violent neighborhoods, Isaac g
Growth, Not Perfection
This video from 2014 shows how Teach For America alumnus Isaac Pollack, Principal of Carver High School in New Orleans, led his school guided by the simple belief that “it’s OK to make mistakes, just be better tomorrow than you were today.” This beli