Education in Emergencies
Humanitarian Crisis in Mozambique
A lesson to examine and discuss what people need following the natural disasters in Mozambique and how they can recover. After the 2019 tropical cyclone Kenneth, six weeks after cyclone Idai, videos and photographs look at what has happened, people's...
Future of Work
La Metodología Orientación Socio-Ocupacional (OSO)
La metodología OSO (Orientación Socio-Ocupacional), desarrollada por Enseña por Colombia, aliado de la red global Teach For All, apoya a los jóvenes en su transición de la escuela a la vida adulta, enfocándose en tres áreas clave: autoconocimiento, e...
Students As Leaders, Reflective Exercise: Polarities
In this exercise, we reflect on where we are on a full spectrum of perspectives related to the lens of Students as Leaders, and we consider what other “spectra” of perspectives are related to this lens.

Climate Education
What Should Young People Know About Climate Action by the Time They Leave School?
Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 on Climate Action as a starting point, lesson plans on climate change are developed by subject teachers and climate change specialists. Learning outcomes can be integrated with existing t...