This video offers various strategies and methods for promoting student empowerment through the inclusion of choice within the learning environment.
VideoStrategyLearn & Design
Gaurav and the garbage mountain
In this story, learn how a Teach For India fellow had his lens transformed by spending a day shadowing his students' parents.
Kusum: 'We have a power, a strength inside of us'
In this video from 2016, Kusum, a Teach For India student in Delhi, shares her perspective on leadership and building a collective vision.
VideoLensStudents as Leaders
Charles Obore: My personal experience of inequity and how I overcame it
Through this interview from 2019, explore Teach For Uganda alumnus Charles Obore's, perspective on how he experienced inequity and how he overcame it.
VideoLensTeachers as Learners
Inclusive Education
Getting Started with UDL
Teachers from Karori Normal School in New Zealand share how they used space as a way to give students different options as to where they work. They also discuss how they used Universal Design for Learning when lesson planning.
Education in Emergencies
Red Cross Climate Change Education Resources
A climate change education toolkit to teach students how to prepare for and cope with extreme weather events, including resources on flood risk, how to prepare for the next heatwave, and eco-anxiety.