Climate Education
Teaching Climate Change (Philippines)
The Department of Education of the Philippines, through the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service, compiled climate change education resources, such as lesson plans, videos, and interactive online activities, which teachers can use in teachi...
Education in Emergencies
Planificar Juntos
En este video de 1 minuto, Grover explica qué es una emergencia y cómo prepararse para una. Después de mirar juntos el video, explique a los niños que una emergencia es cuando sucede algo inesperado que nos fuerza a actuar rápidamente para mantenerno...
Education in Emergencies
Trinka and Sam: The Rainy Windy Day
This story helps young children, their families, and teachers talk about feelings and worries they may have around hurricanes. By describing the reactions of the characters Trinka and Sam, this children's book demonstrates how their parents can help ...
Climate Education
Changing Climates Curriculum
Lesson plans, resources, schemes of work, teacher guides and parent packs on causes and effects of climate change, exploring its local and global contexts. Note: There are free and paid resources on this site. There is also a global community of educ...
Climate Education
Understanding Climate Change Handbook
A comprehensive handbook to support and stimulate teachers and students to research together in a project-based learning format what the climate crisis is and what steps are needed to minimize its effects. The handbook features a series of lessons, c...