Climate Education
What is Waste?
The website provides five 60-minute modules around the topic of waste. The modules include audio and visual aids, as well as activity sheets designed in alignment with the Malaysian Secondary School Curriculum Standard. A corresponding training cours...
Education in Emergencies
Prepárate con Pedro
Prepárate con Pedro es un programa gratuito de preparación juvenil creado por la Cruz Roja Americana y estamos orgullosos de colaborar con esa organización para ofrecer Prepárate con Pedro: Libro de actividades de preparación para casos de desastre. ...
Climate Education
Maps of the New World
Anthropocene Magazine developed a set of maps to help think about our future planet earth in a geographically altered world (including through the impacts of climate change – melting ice, warmer average temperatures, etc.). This could be an interesti...
Teacher and Students, Growing Together
This article from 2015 uses Empieza Por Educar fellow Óliver Jabato's experience to reflect on two patterns we see in transformational classrooms around the world: collective ownership (teachers and students sharing ownership of learning) and student
Rehan: Student Leadership in Action
Meet a young leader in India working to make a better future for his community. In this video from 2019, Rehan shares his work to improve education and address pollution in his community, and how his determination spurs him on despite challenges.
Climate Education
Climate Change Concept Maps
This resource comprises concept maps that summarize the interdisciplinary climate change unit consisting of six sections. Each section has a concept map that showcases linked learning experiences with titles, numbers, symbols, and concise summaries. ...