Climate Education
Guía del Profesor sobre el Cambio Climático
Este PDF es una guía que ayuda en integrar la conciencia sobre el cambio climático en las clases de lengua con gente que se está preparando para lograr el nivel B1 en el idioma español, según el marco de referencia europeo.
Education in Emergencies
Fleeing Violence in Myanmar
A lesson to reflect on the crisis in Myanmar by looking at a photo of people who have fled the violence there. Students will share what they already know about the Myanmar crisis, develop empathy with the people affected, and consider what kind of he...
Education in Emergencies
Trinka and Sam: The Rainy Windy Day
This story helps young children, their families, and teachers talk about feelings and worries they may have around hurricanes. By describing the reactions of the characters Trinka and Sam, this children's book demonstrates how their parents can help ...
Climate Education
'Losing Earth': A Climate Change Curriculum
This resource looks at the years from 1979 to 1989 when scientific circles, industries, and the wider public started recognizing human-caused global warming and its impact on the climate and natural environment. It tracks how ambitious collective act...
Girls' Education
Girl Rising Curriculum
This Girl Rising curriculum addresses an array of issues ranging from inquiries such as, “How do economies grow when girls are educated?” to “How do parents keep their daughters safe and cared for?” It has fact sheets and teacher guides.
Climate Education
Fishbanks: A Resource Management Simulation
Fishbanks is a multiplayer web-based simulation in which participants play the role of fishers and seek to maximize their net worth as they co-exist with other players and deal with variations in fish stocks and their catch. It gives a simplified sho...
Inclusive Education
How To Improve Your Metacognition and Why It Matters
In this article, Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel shares metacognitive strategies when studying textbook passages. She emphasizes delay between reading a text and re-engaging with it, retrieval practice, and getting the correct answer after one's attempt.
Brittany Packnett: Inhumane acts dehumanise us all
Paulo Freire wrote that the purpose of education is for the oppressed to liberate themselves and their oppressor. In this video from 2017, a Teach For America Alumna and powerful leader of the Black Lives Matter movement discusses her personal experi