Education in Emergencies
Identity and Belonging
A lesson plan to help students think critically about stigma and migration. Learners will consider multiple points of view and how they might be perceived by others, explore the impact of stigma, reflect on assumptions about migration, and recognize ...
Education in Emergencies
Volcano in Hawaii
In 2018, the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii erupted, releasing toxic gas emissions, lava flows, and ash. These lesson activities encourage students to consider what it might be like knowing that you may need to evacuate, how you could prepare, and living ...
Climate Education
Transform Our World Resources
A quality-rated resource hub to help teachers bring environmental action into the classroom. It includes a range of resources from individual lesson plans and assemblies to full-scale year-long programs on various sustainability and environment-based...
Why: Collective, Contextualized Vision
Through this video from 2014, virtually visit communities and classrooms around the world and learn from educators, families, and students about the power of asking WHY. Explore the power of contextualized visions of student success to inform classro
Climate Education
Earth Math
A collection of activities built on a series of space science challenges that offer real insights into modern science and engineering, often using real research data. Each problem has a 'one-page' format with a Teacher's Guide and Answer Key as a sec...
Climate Education
Creative Climate Change Resources
The resources on this site promote art and creativity for climate education. The resources are in video and PDF format. They have been designed to describe activities and use materials in ways that are accessible to everyone. They are based on worksh...
Climate Education
Maps of the New World
Anthropocene Magazine developed a set of maps to help think about our future planet earth in a geographically altered world (including through the impacts of climate change – melting ice, warmer average temperatures, etc.). This could be an interesti...
Leading With Strengths: A Leadership Development Session From Teach For All’s Global Leadership Accelerator
Dive into leadership transformation with this 2020 session video that not only unlocks leadership potential but tackles the challenges of deficit-based thinking. Learn how to shift from deficits to strengths, overcoming obstacles in the process.