Education in Emergencies
"Prepare with Pedro" Youth Preparedness Program
This is the original webpage for the "Prepare with Pedro" program, featuring videos, storybooks, activities, and teacher guides on staying safe during emergencies. Topics include home fires, taking shelter, washing hands, earthquakes, extreme heat, f...
Climate Education
MetLink Climate Change Teaching Resources
The website offers a comprehensive range of educational resources catered to different educational levels. The resources are aimed at teaching various aspects of climate change and related topics. They can be effectively used in the classroom to enga...
Docentes como Aprendices, Ejercicio Reflexivo: Polaridades
En este ejercicio, reflexionamos acerca de dónde nos encontramos dentro de un espectro completo de perspectivas relacionadas con esta lente de Docentes como Aprendices. Y consideramos qué otros espectros de perspectivas se relacionan con esta lente.
Student Perceptions Survey (Lower-Primary)
The Student Perception Survey (SPS) instrument consists of a battery of items in the form of observer-reported statements that the respondents affirm using a rating scale. These statements were formulated to map with the observable attributes of thei
Encuesta de Percepción de Estudiantes (primaria alta)
El instrumento de la Encuesta de Percepción Estudiantil (SPS) consta de una batería de ítems en forma de declaraciones informadas por observadores que los encuestados afirman utilizando una escala de calificación. Estas declaraciones se formularon pa
Earning Trust: Relationship building with vulnerable young people
This video from 2013 portrays how we can't effectively work to empower young people without building relationships with them first. Watch this video to learn from former youth worker Susie Gray's approach to building relationships with students.