Education in Emergencies
Tornado Response for Teens: Right After a Tornado
A guide that offers information to teens about how they may be feeling after a tornado and ways to cope with those feelings. Things can look very different right after a tornado. Students' houses and other buildings may be damaged, they may not have ...
Education in Emergencies
Se préparer avec Pedro
Ces ressources de la Croix-Rouge américaine sont conçues pour enseigner aux jeunes enfants et à leurs familles comment rester en sécurité lors de catastrophes et de situations d'urgence grâce à des activités amusantes, comme des jeux d’association, e...
Education in Emergencies
Emergency Helpers
This two-minute video reminds students that there's always someone helping. After watching the video together, ask students to name some of the special helpers they can go to in an emergency (such as a doctor, firefighter, police officer, or teacher)...
Warrior Scholars: Decolonizing Education in New Zealand
Watch this video from 2017 to learn how this secondary school focuses its curriculum on a critical analysis of the historical and present realities that affect students' lives, empowering them with the skills and knowledge to explore their experience
Education in Emergencies
Build a Kit Interactive Game
Join Gayle and her friends in gathering supplies needed to prepare for an emergency. Go through each level and pick the correct items for you and your family. You don't need to fill every box. When you are done, print out an emergency kit checklist.
Education in Emergencies
Preparing for Earthquakes
This webpage contains an infographic outlining preparedness activities students can do in their homes. For example: securing bookcases and shelves, placing heavy objects on lower shelves, turning off gas, electricity and water, and more.