Education in Emergencies
Fleeing Violence in Myanmar
A lesson to reflect on the crisis in Myanmar by looking at a photo of people who have fled the violence there. Students will share what they already know about the Myanmar crisis, develop empathy with the people affected, and consider what kind of he...
Education in Emergencies
Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas
A lesson to examine Hurricane Dorian, which impacted the Bahamas in 2019 - one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded. Students will consider the needs of people affected by Hurricane Dorian, explore the meaning of resilience and how they can ...
Education in Emergencies
Planificar Juntos
En este video de 1 minuto, Grover explica qué es una emergencia y cómo prepararse para una. Después de mirar juntos el video, explique a los niños que una emergencia es cuando sucede algo inesperado que nos fuerza a actuar rápidamente para mantenerno...
Climate Education
Operation Kawayan: DRR and Environmental Education Toolkit
This is a disaster risk reduction and environmental education toolkit, containing creative activities including a climate change story. Teach For The Philippines alumnus Ryan Bestre helped develop this resource as fellow of Japan Foundation's Hopes a...
The Beginning Teacher's Behaviour Toolkit
Through this toolkit, Tom Bennet reframes two projects developed in the US to support providers of Initial Teacher Training who are designing their curricula to meet the specifications of the new ITT Core Content.
A Literature Review on the TACL Outcomes Framework: Well-being, Connectedness, Awareness, Agency and Mastery
In this research paper, Madhu Narayanan, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy at Portland State University, explores the evidence supporting the TACL outcomes framework and offers additional avenues for future inquiry.
Climate Education
British Red Cross Climate Education Resources
These resources were designed to help people prepare for and cope with extreme weather events and the negative effects of climate change. Topics covered include heatwaves, floods, and eco-anxiety. The page provides a teacher toolkit, topical resource...