Everyone has a role to play in supporting girls to become empowered, access education for better life outcomes, and thrive. Teach For All is committed to supporting the global network to identify and address the barriers that keep girls from learning and fulfilling their potential through our Girls’ Education initiative. Learn more about gender equity, the issues facing girls around the world, and more in this curated library of resources:
Girls' Education
The Male Mentors
An article about a male mentorship program in Kenya that encourages fathers/guardians of students to advocate for girls with disabilities, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to promote a more inclusive model of education.
Girls' Education
Gender and Inclusive Education: The Weak Link in Girls' Education Programming
An overview of the compounding barriers that girls with disabilities experience at family, societal, and institutional levels, leading to a trajectory of marginalization. It shares resources providing a more holistic approach to inclusive education.
Girls' Education
"Supporting Girls to Lead" with Arman Rahmatullah and Sunita Waiba at the 2019 Teach For All Global Conference
This recording is from the 2019 Teach For All Global Conference in Yerevan, Armenia. It features Arman Rahmatullah, CEO of Teach For Afghanistan, and Sunita Waiba, a Teach For Nepal student, speaking on the empowerment of girls through education.
Girls' Education
Paying for Education Outcomes at Scale in India
A study on how India is playing a leading role in its use of innovative financing for development with impact bonds, an outcome-based financing structure. It outlines key lessons to be drawn for their application to education.
Girls' Education
Tackling the Taboo: Sexuality and Gender-Transformative Programmes to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions
This report is on gender-transformative work in politically and culturally conservative contexts. It explores how addressing child, early, and forced marriage and unions advances girls’ and women’s sexual agency, bodily autonomy, freedom and dignity.
Girls' Education
Math Looks the Same in the Brains of Boys and Girls, Study Finds
An article debunking myths that boys and girls start out with different cognitive abilities in mathematics. The finding challenges the idea that more boys end up in STEM fields because they are inherently better at the sort of thinking they require.