Everyone has a role to play in supporting girls to become empowered, access education for better life outcomes, and thrive. Teach For All is committed to supporting the global network to identify and address the barriers that keep girls from learning and fulfilling their potential through our Girls’ Education initiative. Learn more about gender equity, the issues facing girls around the world, and more in this curated library of resources:
Girls' Education
Think Women Aren’t Big Risk Takers? These Chinese Girls Buck the Stereotype
An article that explores gender differences in risk-taking behaviors and highlights a study examining how families and peers influence children within matrilineal and patriarchal cultures.
Girls' Education
GirlForce: Skills, Education and Training for Girls Now
A report by UNICEF and the International Labour Organization that calls for equipping girls with the knowledge and skills needed to overcome barriers that prevent them from fully participating in the workforce and becoming economically empowered.
Girls' Education
Her Atlas: Monitoring the Right to Education for Girls and Women
UNESCO’s interactive tool that allows users to explore the educational rights of girls and women around the world. The scoring system enables users to visually monitor legal progress toward securing the right to education for women in all countries.
Girls' Education
INEE Guidance Note on Gender
A guidance note by the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) that provides strategies on delivering education in a gender-responsive manner as part of an emergency preparedness, response, or recovery situation.
Girls' Education
CAMFED's Learner Guide Program
Information about the organization CAMFED flagship program that involves women in Africa in the CAMFED Association—once themselves supported by CAMFED—returning to their local schools as mentors to help vulnerable girls learn and thrive.
Girls' Education
Gender and Inclusive Education: The Weak Link in Girls' Education Programming
An overview of the compounding barriers that girls with disabilities experience at family, societal, and institutional levels, leading to a trajectory of marginalization. It shares resources providing a more holistic approach to inclusive education.
Girls' Education
Girl Rising Curriculum
This Girl Rising curriculum addresses an array of issues ranging from inquiries such as, “How do economies grow when girls are educated?” to “How do parents keep their daughters safe and cared for?” It has fact sheets and teacher guides.
Girls' Education
A Year to Clean Five Schools of Sexism – Shouldn’t Others do the Same?
An article on a pilot program run in five London primary schools by a nonprofit, Lifting Limits, that provides teachers with the skills and resources to recognize and correct gender bias and to support students in challenging gender inequalities.