Everyone has a role to play in supporting girls to become empowered, access education for better life outcomes, and thrive. Teach For All is committed to supporting the global network to identify and address the barriers that keep girls from learning and fulfilling their potential through our Girls’ Education initiative. Learn more about gender equity, the issues facing girls around the world, and more in this curated library of resources:
Girls' Education
Math Looks the Same in the Brains of Boys and Girls, Study Finds
An article debunking myths that boys and girls start out with different cognitive abilities in mathematics. The finding challenges the idea that more boys end up in STEM fields because they are inherently better at the sort of thinking they require.
Girls' Education
The Male Mentors
An article about a male mentorship program in Kenya that encourages fathers/guardians of students to advocate for girls with disabilities, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to promote a more inclusive model of education.
Girls' Education
Full Force: Why the World Works Better When Girls Go to School
A report by the Malala Fund that shares research on girls' education, presents new data on the transition from school to the workforce, and outlines recommendations for the G20 to ensure all girls have the skills they need for the future of work.
Girls' Education
Mind the Gap: 5 Facts About the Gender Gap in Education
A deep dive into the Barro-Lee Educational Attainment Data to examine gender gaps in education and determine where more focus should be given in research, policy, and programmatic efforts to address gender inequality.
Girls' Education
To Keep or Not to Keep? Decision Making in Adolescent Pregnancies in Jamestown, Ghana
A study on the decision (to keep or terminate) factors and experiences surrounding adolescent pregnancies in Jamestown, an urban slum in Accra, Ghana. The main role players in decision making included family, friends, school teachers and the partner.
Girls' Education
Gender and Inclusive Education: The Weak Link in Girls' Education Programming
An overview of the compounding barriers that girls with disabilities experience at family, societal, and institutional levels, leading to a trajectory of marginalization. It shares resources providing a more holistic approach to inclusive education.
Girls' Education
Barriers to STEM Education for Rural Girls: A Missing Link to Innovation for a Better Bangladesh
This policy paper unveils the barriers to educational opportunities for rural girls in Bangladesh, focusing on STEM education. It uses a survey of 500 rural secondary-level schoolgirls, 100 parents, and 75 teachers from 30 rural schools in Gazipur.