Everyone has a role to play in supporting girls to become empowered, access education for better life outcomes, and thrive. Teach For All is committed to supporting the global network to identify and address the barriers that keep girls from learning and fulfilling their potential through our Girls’ Education initiative. Learn more about gender equity, the issues facing girls around the world, and more in this curated library of resources:
Girls' Education
Full Force: Why the World Works Better When Girls Go to School
A report by the Malala Fund that shares research on girls' education, presents new data on the transition from school to the workforce, and outlines recommendations for the G20 to ensure all girls have the skills they need for the future of work.
Girls' Education
Tackling the Taboo: Sexuality and Gender-Transformative Programmes to End Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions
This report is on gender-transformative work in politically and culturally conservative contexts. It explores how addressing child, early, and forced marriage and unions advances girls’ and women’s sexual agency, bodily autonomy, freedom and dignity.
Girls' Education
Gender-Sensitive Pedagogy: The Bridge to Girls’ Quality Education in Uganda
An informative brief looking at how policies that reference gender-sensitive pedagogy are translating into Ugandan classrooms. It reflects on findings of a survey conducted with 70 secondary teachers and 109 students in central and eastern Uganda.
Girls' Education
Girl Rising Curriculum
This Girl Rising curriculum addresses an array of issues ranging from inquiries such as, “How do economies grow when girls are educated?” to “How do parents keep their daughters safe and cared for?” It has fact sheets and teacher guides.
Girls' Education
A Gender-Inclusive Southeast Asia Through Entrepreneurship
A report on the critical gender gaps and entrepreneurial solutions to advance the lives of women in Southeast Asia. It introduces the Women's Empowerment Framework that outlines a gender-inclusive vision across seven mutually reinforcing dimensions.
Girls' Education
Missed Opportunities: The High Cost of Not Educating Girls
This study is part of a series by the World Bank on the potential cost of not educating girls globally. It documents the potential impacts in six domains like how low educational attainment worsens expected earnings in adulthood and health outcomes.
Girls' Education
Voice and Support: Storytelling as Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
An article that highlights the Girl-talk-Girl program by the feminist organization Footage that engages young women worldwide in collaborative media arts activism against gender-based violence. Through storytelling, they examine GBV in their lives.
Girls' Education
Engaging Men and Boys to Promote Gender Equality Through Education
An overview of a two-day workshop in Washington, D.C. on engaging men and boys to promote gender equality through education and the action steps that developed from it. Participants also discussed evidence-based programming for girls’ education.