Everyone has a role to play in supporting girls to become empowered, access education for better life outcomes, and thrive. Teach For All is committed to supporting the global network to identify and address the barriers that keep girls from learning and fulfilling their potential through our Girls’ Education initiative. Learn more about gender equity, the issues facing girls around the world, and more in this curated library of resources:
Girls' Education
Multi-Country Study Finds Women Who Give Birth Before 18 Are Economically Impacted for Life
An article on the lifelong negative association between giving birth before age 18 and a woman’s economic empowerment. It discusses how childbearing before 18 is widespread and how in many countries, women do not have control over their own earnings.
Girls' Education
Building a Generation to Transform Gender Norms: Breakthrough India’s 'Gang of Stars'
An overview of the Gang of Stars (Taaron Ki Toli) youth-club based program creating awareness about gender issues among secondary school students. It evaluates the results of the intervention with 14,000 adolescents in 300 schools in Haryana, India.
Girls' Education
Paying for Education Outcomes at Scale in India
A study on how India is playing a leading role in its use of innovative financing for development with impact bonds, an outcome-based financing structure. It outlines key lessons to be drawn for their application to education.
Girls' Education
Global Education Monitoring Report 2019: Gender Report - Building Bridges for Gender Equality
This report invites readers to explore all the factors that perpetuate gender inequalities in schools. It provides a study of national education plans and tools to enable governments to analyze the situation in their own countries.
Girls' Education
Explore SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)
Tools and resources by Harvard University that explore and compare social-emotional learning (SEL) and non-academic frameworks and skills to build a broader and deeper understanding of the field and support transparency and informed decision-making.
Girls' Education
Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program
A report on a program designed to help vulnerable girls in Zambia avoid early marriage, sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancy. As it was not impactful, it stresses the need to address underlying economic and social constraints.