Humanitarian emergencies—including conflicts, mass displacement, environmental disasters, and health crises—cause severe disruptions to education for millions of children. Here, you will find a curated selection of lesson plans and classroom activities designed to empower educators who are either teaching about such emergencies or who have emergency-impacted students in their classrooms. Topics include: refugees, statelessness, human rights, war and conflict, peace, climate-induced crises, emergency preparedness, natural hazards, first aid, and social-emotional learning. Find out more about our Education in Emergencies (EiE) initiative and our EiE work.
Education in Emergencies
Venezuela: Humanitarian Aid and Neutrality
A lesson to examine and discuss the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the principle of neutrality. The economic crisis in Venezuela has been frequently reported in the news, but behind these headlines, there is a serious and growing humanitaria...
Education in Emergencies
Migration to Britain: Crossing the Channel
A lesson plan to consider why migrants decide to risk the dangerous journey across the Channel to Britain. Students will build empathy in a role-play activity, and consider the reasons why people choose or are forced to leave their homes. They will a...