Humanitarian emergencies—including conflicts, mass displacement, environmental disasters, and health crises—cause severe disruptions to education for millions of children. Here, you will find a curated selection of lesson plans and classroom activities designed to empower educators who are either teaching about such emergencies or who have emergency-impacted students in their classrooms. Topics include: refugees, statelessness, human rights, war and conflict, peace, climate-induced crises, emergency preparedness, natural hazards, first aid, and social-emotional learning. Find out more about our Education in Emergencies (EiE) initiative and our EiE work.
Education in Emergencies
Se préparer avec Pedro
Ces ressources de la Croix-Rouge américaine sont conçues pour enseigner aux jeunes enfants et à leurs familles comment rester en sécurité lors de catastrophes et de situations d'urgence grâce à des activités amusantes, comme des jeux d’association, e...
Education in Emergencies
Climate Change in the South Pacific
Students will consider the humanitarian impacts of climate change, improve their understanding of the effects on people’s lives, be introduced to the term "climate change refugee," and understand ways people can remain resilient and optimistic. Stude...
Education in Emergencies
Diritti dei rifugiati
Breve video di animazione a cura di UNHCR che illustra i diritti dei rifugiati e le leggi internazionali a loro tutela, utile preparazione per una lezione e anche come strumento di forte impatto visivo da mostrare agli studenti durante le lezioni.
Education in Emergencies
Rosita and Her Mom Prep an Emergency Kit
A 45-second video clip of Rosita and her mother preparing an emergency kit. Teachers can help students to prepare for the unexpected or recovering from it while discussing what they saw.
Education in Emergencies
Ou vont les réfugiés?
Cette courte vidéo d’animation du HCR revient sur le parcours des réfugiés à la suite de leur déplacement. Elle peut aider à préparer une leçon et constitue également un support visuel dans le cadre des leçons.
Education in Emergencies
Tornado Recovery for Teens: Making Things Better
A guide that offers information to teens on ways to help themselves and others after a tornado. As time goes on, things should start getting back to the way they were. Students may be back at school, parents back at work, and life may go back to the ...
Education in Emergencies
Waar gaan vluchtelingen naartoe?
Dit is een korte animatievideo door UNHCR waarin wordt gekeken naar waar vluchtelingen naartoe gaan als ze ontheemd zijn. Het kan nuttig zijn ter voorbereiding van een les en ook als een visueel hulpmiddel tijdens de lessen.