Humanitarian emergencies—including conflicts, mass displacement, environmental disasters, and health crises—cause severe disruptions to education for millions of children. Here, you will find a curated selection of lesson plans and classroom activities designed to empower educators who are either teaching about such emergencies or who have emergency-impacted students in their classrooms. Topics include: refugees, statelessness, human rights, war and conflict, peace, climate-induced crises, emergency preparedness, natural hazards, first aid, and social-emotional learning. Find out more about our Education in Emergencies (EiE) initiative and our EiE work.
Education in Emergencies
Sesame Street Support After a Hurricane
A guide including tips, activities, and videos to help students feel safe, cope with emotions, and understand that there is hope for the future after a hurricane. Resource includes: giving students the facts; comforting your students; listening and t...
Education in Emergencies
Wer ist ein(e) Migrant(in)?
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR zur Definition des Begriffs „Migrant“. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht sein und auch im Unterricht benutzt werden, um das Thema für Studenten ins Leben zu rufen.
Education in Emergencies
Newsthink: Ukraine
A lesson exploring the war in Ukraine and how humanitarian crises affect people. Using a photograph, students will debate the statements "Civilians should never be targeted" and "All people deserve to be safe," and will explore their values and opini...
Education in Emergencies
Pecyn adnoddau Hawliau Dynol yn yr Ysgol Uwchradd
Mae’r adnodd hwn yn cynnwys wyth cynllun gwers, sy’n defnyddio ffyrdd arloesol o archwilio hawliau dynol. Gallant fod yn wersi unigol neu gellir eu defnyddio i gynllunio diwrnodau ar thema benodol neu ddiwrnodau ‘dim amserlen’ ar draws yr ysgol. Mae’...
Education in Emergencies
L'histoire de Hassan et Youssof
Dans cette courte vidéo, Hassan et Youssof, deux enfants réfugiés, évoquent leur vie en Syrie, leur décision de se rendre en Europe et la manière dont leur père inculque la discipline en tant que champion de karaté. Les enseignants pourraient égaleme...
Education in Emergencies
Emergency Helpers
This two-minute video reminds students that there's always someone helping. After watching the video together, ask students to name some of the special helpers they can go to in an emergency (such as a doctor, firefighter, police officer, or teacher)...