Humanitarian emergencies—including conflicts, mass displacement, environmental disasters, and health crises—cause severe disruptions to education for millions of children. Here, you will find a curated selection of lesson plans and classroom activities designed to empower educators who are either teaching about such emergencies or who have emergency-impacted students in their classrooms. Topics include: refugees, statelessness, human rights, war and conflict, peace, climate-induced crises, emergency preparedness, natural hazards, first aid, and social-emotional learning. Find out more about our Education in Emergencies (EiE) initiative and our EiE work.
Education in Emergencies
Refugee Education: UNHCR Teaching Materials
This web page contains a variety of teaching materials for students that prioritize interactive learning with peers and teachers and emphasize social-emotional skills and diversity. The materials are divided into sections by student age groups: 6-9, ...
Education in Emergencies
Seeking Safety
This Amnesty International activity pack contains eight classroom activities for students ages 7 to 11 that teach about asylum seekers and refugees. It encourages students to draw parallels with their own lives, building an empathetic understanding o...
Education in Emergencies
"If War Comes To You" Class Activities
This resource has six classroom activities to be used alongside the "If War Comes to You" interactive film. Activities are focused on three characters in a conflict situation: a civilian, a soldier, and an aid worker. Each of these characters will ma...
Education in Emergencies
Path Out UNHCR Video Game
In this adventure video game, players replay the journey of Abdullah, a young Syrian artist who escaped the civil war in 2014. "Path Out" is a tale full of surprises, challenges, and humor, giving insight to this real-life displacement adventure.
Education in Emergencies
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR über die Rechte von Flüchtlingen und die internationalen Gesetze, die sie schützen. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht und auch ein starkes visuelles Hilfsmittel sein, das die Schüler im Unterr...
Education in Emergencies
Teaching First Aid
This selection of resources for teaching life-saving first aid skills in schools includes lessons and classroom activities that help students build their confidence and willingness to help someone in an emergency using everyday objects.
Education in Emergencies
Roads to Refuge
This resource has 13 lesson plans on exploring who is a refugee, refugee journeys, and refugee settlement. Lessons cover terminology, myths and facts, persecution, countries of origin, why people flee, where people seek asylum, durable solutions, res...
Education in Emergencies
Detenegan los desastres
Este juego en línea enseña a adultos y niños cómo construir pueblos y ciudades más seguros frente a los desastres. Los usuarios aprenden a través del juego cómo la ubicación y los materiales de construcción de las casas influyen en los desastres y có...