Climate Education
Guía del Profesor sobre el Cambio Climático
Este PDF es una guía que ayuda en integrar la conciencia sobre el cambio climático en las clases de lengua con gente que se está preparando para lograr el nivel B1 en el idioma español, según el marco de referencia europeo.
Climate Education
OECD: Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking
The OECD curated a set of lesson plans with a focus on creativity and critical thinking, developed by experts and teachers across teams in 11 countries. The lesson plans aim to inspire teachers by making visible the kind of approaches and tasks that ...
Climate Education
Climate Generation Resource Library
A resource library of curricula, stories and guides, videos, activities, and toolkits. The resources are interdisciplinary and can be used in the following classes: earth science, life science, physical science, civics, economics, history, media, Eng...
Climate Education
Creative Climate Change Resources
The resources on this site promote art and creativity for climate education. The resources are in video and PDF format. They have been designed to describe activities and use materials in ways that are accessible to everyone. They are based on worksh...
Climate Education
Climate Change Education by Stanford
A curriculum that integrates concepts from the earth, life, and physical sciences to understand climate change. The lesson plans, designed for 17 days of instruction, include a variety of both teacher-centered and student-centered activities ranging ...
Climate Education
Greening Curriculum Guidance
This guidance outlines a comprehensive framework on how quality climate change and sustainability can be reflected in the curriculum by setting expected learning outcomes per age group. It aims to support countries, schools, or individual practitione...
Climate Education
European Association of Geographers Climate Education Projects and Resources
European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO) promotes the importance of geographical education and spatial thinking as a contribution towards the development of a better understanding of our world and, therefore, global citizenship. EUROGEO is invol...
Climate Education
Global Challenges: Climate Change and Food Security Lesson Plans
A collection of lesson plans that use STEM and interdisciplinary approaches to teach about climate change. The lesson plans are grouped according to grade levels and can easily be downloaded, as is, by teachers.