Climate Education
World Climate Simulation
An in-person, role-playing activity that simulates the UN Climate Change negotiations. Through the activity, students can explore the speed and level of action nations must take to address global climate change. It can either be used locally or users...
Climate Education
Climate Change Education by Stanford
A curriculum that integrates concepts from the earth, life, and physical sciences to understand climate change. The lesson plans, designed for 17 days of instruction, include a variety of both teacher-centered and student-centered activities ranging ...
Climate Education
Klima Challenges
A collection of educational materials developed in collaboration with Teach First Deutschland (Germany). They are mainly posters, practice booklets, and activity ideas. It is useful for creative approaches and for preparing quick classroom activities...
Climate Education
Changing Climates Curriculum
Lesson plans, resources, schemes of work, teacher guides and parent packs on causes and effects of climate change, exploring its local and global contexts. Note: There are free and paid resources on this site. There is also a global community of educ...
Climate Education
Guías Didácticas de Educación Ambiental
Esta Guía Didáctica ofrece recursos y enfoques pedagógicos para enseñar sobre temas ambientales de manera efectiva y significativa. Puede ser utilizada por educadores, líderes comunitarios y organizaciones ambientales para diseñar y facilitar activid...
Climate Education
CANIE Resource Library
CANIE is a volunteer grassroots initiative formed by international education practitioners from around the world who see the need for the education sector to "step up and act on climate." Their resource library presents a collection of helpful conten...