Education in Emergencies
"Prepare with Pedro" Youth Preparedness Program
This is the original webpage for the "Prepare with Pedro" program, featuring videos, storybooks, activities, and teacher guides on staying safe during emergencies. Topics include home fires, taking shelter, washing hands, earthquakes, extreme heat, f...
Climate Education
Climascope Teacher Resources
Founded by Teach For America alumnus Cheney Munson, the Climascope Project curates readings, videos, photos, podcasts, research, and other online resources on climate change. These resources are grouped according to teaching approach, content area, t...
Education in Emergencies
First Steps: Human Rights
This resource has five themed lesson plans to introduce human rights to young children ages 3-5. These teaching resources engage children in discussion and raise awareness of their own rights in a fun and interactive way. They cover feelings, relatio...
Climate Education
The Disaster Book Series
COPE is a series of illustrated not-for-profit books, aimed to increase the disaster resilience of children. Covering natural hazards ranging from floods to earthquakes, wildfires to cyclones, the books provide coping tools, preparedness, and relatab...
Education in Emergencies
Hassan and Youssof's Story
In this short video, two refugee children called Hassan and Youssof reflect on their life in Syria, their decision to come to Europe, and how their father channels discipline through being a karate champion. There is also an accompanying lesson plan ...
Climate Education
Climate Action in Language Education Podcast
The Climate Connection is a ten-part podcast series from the British Council which explores the relationship between the climate crisis and language education. Podcasts can be downloaded on the website including additional show notes. Besides the web...
Education in Emergencies
Wer ist ein(e) Asylbewerber(in)?
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR zur Definition des Begriffs „Asylbewerber“. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht sein und auch im Unterricht benutzt werden, um das Thema für Studenten ins Leben zu rufen.