Girls' Education
GirlForce: Skills, Education and Training for Girls Now
A report by UNICEF and the International Labour Organization that calls for equipping girls with the knowledge and skills needed to overcome barriers that prevent them from fully participating in the workforce and becoming economically empowered.
Climate Education
ElemenTree Education Foundation Initiatives
Co-founded by Teach For India alumnus Nikhil Sharma, ElemenTree Education works towards providing accurate and locally contextualized climate education to children in India. Different programs are offered such as "The Climate Unity" which aspires to ...
Girls' Education
Gender Sensitive Sanitation: Opportunities for Girls’ Education
An article on the need for gender sensitive sanitation, including clean, safe, and separate toilets with access to water and garbage disposal. It highlights the lack of attention and access to quality menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in schools.
Climate Education
Greening Curriculum Guidance
This guidance outlines a comprehensive framework on how quality climate change and sustainability can be reflected in the curriculum by setting expected learning outcomes per age group. It aims to support countries, schools, or individual practitione...
Education in Emergencies
Emergency Helpers
This two-minute video reminds students that there's always someone helping. After watching the video together, ask students to name some of the special helpers they can go to in an emergency (such as a doctor, firefighter, police officer, or teacher)...
Education in Emergencies
Living Together: Refugee
Lesson plans, worksheets, debate session plans, dialogue-based learning, and student stories on the topic of refugees. They explore questions like "What would you take?" and "To leave or to stay?" and explain reasons to migrate.
Climate Education
Climate Change Education Exchange Web Portal
The page provides free climate change education resources including lesson plans, curricular units, teacher training materials, data, games and media for climate change and associated topics (among others, green jobs, energy, water, environmental edu...
Climate Education
Game of Ecological Challenges
Ma Petite Planète (MPP) Scolaire is an engaging ecological challenge via an online app designed for schools, from kindergarten to high school. Students participate in various eco-friendly tasks, both in class and at home, over a three-week period. Th...