Future of Work
3 Ways To Integrate Careers Into Your Lessons
Career education shouldn’t be confined to the careers office—it’s something every teacher can contribute to. In this blog, Susie Kendall, a Curriculum Design Manager for the Careers Leader Programme, explores three simple and impactful ways educators...
Education in Emergencies
Vart tar flyktingarna vägen?
Det här är en kort animerad video gjort av UNHCR, som tittar på vart flyktingar tar vägen när de fördrivs. Det kan vara användbar för förberedelsen av en lektion och också som ett visuellt hjälpmedel under lektionerna.

Climate Education
50 Essentials on Science Communication
This concise and engaging book offers fundamental insights into goal-oriented science communication. In the context of climate change, this can help communicate climate science better and address climate denial.
Girls' Education
Global Education Monitoring Report 2019: Migration, Displacement and Education - Building Bridges, Not Walls
This report reviews global evidence on migration, displacement, and education. It studies the effect of population movements on the access to and quality of education, the implications for migrants and refugees, and the difference education can make.
Teacher Mindsets Survey
The Teacher Mindset Survey instrument consists of a battery of items in the form of statements that the respondents affirm using a rating scale. These statements were formulated to map with the individual's mindset shifts about the Lenses in the Teac