Climate Education
Setting up environmental clubs (Uganda)
Story about the leadership of Teach For Uganda fellow Chandia Judith in forming vibrant and inclusive environmental clubs in her placement community in Uganda and involving and training many members from the wider community.
Education in Emergencies
Syria: Building a School From the Rubble
A lesson focused on the Syrian conflict that began in 2011. Fierce fighting and bombing have left the city of Raqqa in ruins. In 2018, a group of teenagers decided that, rather than waiting for others to rebuild the city’s schools, they would create ...
Strength In Unity 1: Co-constructing a learning community of student leaders
Through this video from 2015, visit a classroom in Delhi where Pooja Chopra, a former teacher with Teach For India, partnered with students to create their vision and community.
Climate Education
Climate Central Resources
Climate Central is an independent group of scientists and communicators who research and report the facts about our changing climate and how it affects people’s lives. They use science, big data, and technology to generate thousands of local storylin...
Climate Education
Climate for Schools
Developed by the Climate Change Initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA), the resources support teaching climate change in topics taught in science, technology, engineering and mathematics curricula across education systems in eleven ESA Member ...