Climate Education
Understanding Climate Change Handbook
A comprehensive handbook to support and stimulate teachers and students to research together in a project-based learning format what the climate crisis is and what steps are needed to minimize its effects. The handbook features a series of lessons, c...
Climate Education
Recursos para la Educación sobre el Cambio Climático
Esta publicación analiza la relación entre cambio climático y estilos de vida, proporcionando información y consejos prácticos para jóvenes. Destinado a educadores y líderes juveniles, es una herramienta útil en talleres y programas para promover est...
Teacher and Students, Growing Together
This article from 2015 uses Empieza Por Educar fellow Óliver Jabato's experience to reflect on two patterns we see in transformational classrooms around the world: collective ownership (teachers and students sharing ownership of learning) and student
Introducing The Resonance Code, Volume 1: Maps
The Resonance Code is a way of thinking and learning developed by the Resonance Path Institute. It helps us understand and embrace complex ideas, encouraging our minds to go beyond their usual limits and see uncertainty as a creative opportunity.
Girls' Education
We Can’t Measure Women’s Empowerment the Same Way Everywhere—But Should We Try?
An article describing the challenges of measuring the empowerment of women to evaluate the impact of programs, such as the limitations of standardized questions, and recommended solutions.
Education in Emergencies
Hassan and Youssof's Story
In this short video, two refugee children called Hassan and Youssof reflect on their life in Syria, their decision to come to Europe, and how their father channels discipline through being a karate champion. There is also an accompanying lesson plan ...