Glossary of Key Language Choices in TACL
In our attempt to capture the real spirit of the classrooms we have studied in TACL, we have sometimes intentionally used words and phrases in a slightly unusual way. We invite you to learn more about our language choices by exploring this Glossary.
5 Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning
Well-designed project-based learning (PBL) has been shown to result in deeper learning and engaged, self-directed learners. Learn more about the five core elements of successful PBL.
Girls' Education
Making Tax Work for Girls' Education
A report that urges governments in low-income countries to increase their spending on education to ensure all girls can go to school. It discusses increasing tax revenues by reducing or eliminating tax incentives, especially to corporations.
Education in Emergencies
Detenegan los desastres
Este juego en línea enseña a adultos y niños cómo construir pueblos y ciudades más seguros frente a los desastres. Los usuarios aprenden a través del juego cómo la ubicación y los materiales de construcción de las casas influyen en los desastres y có...
A Literature Review on the TACL Outcomes Framework: Well-being, Connectedness, Awareness, Agency and Mastery
In this research paper, Madhu Narayanan, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy at Portland State University, explores the evidence supporting the TACL outcomes framework and offers additional avenues for future inquiry.
Swastika Shrestha: Community at the center of movement building
In this video from 2018, Swastika Shrestha, CEO and Co-founder of Teach For Nepal, examines the profound significance of community engagement in the context of movement building within Nepal.