Climate Education
Climate Action in Language Education Podcast
The Climate Connection is a ten-part podcast series from the British Council which explores the relationship between the climate crisis and language education. Podcasts can be downloaded on the website including additional show notes. Besides the web...
Education in Emergencies
Vem är flykting?
Det här är en kort animerade video gjort av UNHCR som definierar termen "flyktingar." Den här videon kan vara en använbar förberedelse för en lektion och det kan också användas under lektioner för att få liv i detta ämne för eleverna.
Education in Emergencies
Rahfs berättelse
Det här är en kort video om ett flyktingbarn, som heter Rahf, och hennes minnen av livet i Syrien, och hennes reflektioner över nya livet i Luxemburg. Det finns också en tillbehörande lektionsplan som lärare kan använda tillsammans med denna video.
Girls' Education
Talking Back: African Feminisms in Dialogue
An article laying out several summaries of African women's contributions to (and divergence from) feminist theory. A great resource for people looking to learn more about diverse takes on feminism.
Education in Emergencies
Identity and Belonging
A lesson plan to help students think critically about stigma and migration. Learners will consider multiple points of view and how they might be perceived by others, explore the impact of stigma, reflect on assumptions about migration, and recognize ...
Education in Emergencies
Newsthink: Ukraine
A lesson exploring the war in Ukraine and how humanitarian crises affect people. Using a photograph, students will debate the statements "Civilians should never be targeted" and "All people deserve to be safe," and will explore their values and opini...
Education in Emergencies
Volcano in Hawaii
In 2018, the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii erupted, releasing toxic gas emissions, lava flows, and ash. These lesson activities encourage students to consider what it might be like knowing that you may need to evacuate, how you could prepare, and living ...