Climate Education
The Role of Education in Addressing Climate Change
In this blog series, experts and thought leaders present their views on how essential education is for addressing climate change. The blogs can be both an informative and inspiring source of information for teachers and a resource for sparking classr...
Education in Emergencies
Talking to Children About Emergencies
An article on how to start a conversation with your students about what happens when the unexpected happens. It’s hard to know what to say when talking to students about emergencies. Teachers don’t want to worry their students, but it’s important for...
Education in Emergencies
Wer ist ein(e) Asylbewerber(in)?
Kurzes Animationsvideo von UNHCR zur Definition des Begriffs „Asylbewerber“. Dies kann nützlich bei der Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht sein und auch im Unterricht benutzt werden, um das Thema für Studenten ins Leben zu rufen.
Education in Emergencies
Tornado Response for Teens: Right After a Tornado
A guide that offers information to teens about how they may be feeling after a tornado and ways to cope with those feelings. Things can look very different right after a tornado. Students' houses and other buildings may be damaged, they may not have ...
Climate Education
Green School Quality Standard
This publication provides a quality standard for greening schools and other learning environments. It outlines four core areas for integrating sustainability principles and climate action, namely (1) school governance, (2) facilities and operation, (...
Education in Emergencies
Trinka and Sam: The Rainy Windy Day
This story helps young children, their families, and teachers talk about feelings and worries they may have around hurricanes. By describing the reactions of the characters Trinka and Sam, this children's book demonstrates how their parents can help ...