Climate Education
Fichero de Propuestas Didácticas sobre Cambio Climático
Este programa ofrece una variedad de recursos y actividades para promover la conciencia sobre el cambio climático y fomentar comportamientos sostenibles y conscientes en la comunidad educativa. Los educadores pueden incorporar el programa en su progr...
Girls' Education
Girls’ Transitions to Work Through Higher-Quality TVET Programs in Nepal
This report describes how the factors of education, the labor market, and social norms underlie why girls in Nepal are not able to leverage technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to their advantage and provides policy recommendations.
Climate Education
Recursos sobre Cambio Climático
Una colección comprensiva de recursos en español dedicados a la concienciación sobre el cambio climático. Aquí encontrarás una miríada de materiales clasificados cuidadosamente en tres categorías para satisfacer tus necesidades. Explora (1) materiale...
Community Impact Lab
Teach For Armenia improving its recruitment process to grow a critical mass of collective leadership
Short case study showing how a network partner is growing collective leadership to contribute to system change

Climate Education
What is Waste?
The website provides five 60-minute modules around the topic of waste. The modules include audio and visual aids, as well as activity sheets designed in alignment with the Malaysian Secondary School Curriculum Standard. A corresponding training cours...

Climate Education
British Red Cross Climate Education Resources
These resources were designed to help people prepare for and cope with extreme weather events and the negative effects of climate change. Topics covered include heatwaves, floods, and eco-anxiety. The page provides a teacher toolkit, topical resource...
Girls' Education
Evidence Brief: School-Based Interventions to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls
A policy brief on select school-based interventions that aim to prevent violence against women and girls (VAWG) or improve attitudes that perpetuate VAWG. It focuses on intimate partner violence, dating violence, and non-partner sexual assault.
Climate Education
School Eco Group Resources
Guide on why and how to set up an eco group in secondary schools. It includes suggestions for different activities that can be implemented and provides project ideas that can help schools become more environmentally friendly.