Future of Work
Transforming Education: The Chemistry Game Board Initiative
This case study describes how Teach For Nigeria fellow Ibukunoluwa Ajayi transformed science education at Community High School through his Chemistry Game Board project. This innovative initiative engaged students in hands-on learning, boosting their...
Climate Education
ICLEI Oceania Resources
ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) is a global network that collaborates with over 2,500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. ICLEI Oceania's resource hub features its YouTube channel, reports, articles...
Education in Emergencies
Venezuela: Humanitarian Aid and Neutrality
A lesson to examine and discuss the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the principle of neutrality. The economic crisis in Venezuela has been frequently reported in the news, but behind these headlines, there is a serious and growing humanitaria...
Education in Emergencies
Weather Together Toolkit
A lesson in which students learn why everyone needs to prepare for extreme weather events, apply learning around preparing for and coping with extreme weather, and share learning to help others prepare for and cope with extreme weather.
Climate Education
Teach For Uganda Earth Week Video
This Earth Day video showcases Teach For Uganda's climate education work. Uganda is one of the countries deeply affected by climate impacts where it is negatively shaping the lives of learners and community members. Teach For Uganda's comprehensive a...
Climate Education
Teach The Future Campaign
Teach the Future is an inclusive campaign by secondary and tertiary education students to improve education on the climate emergency and ecological crisis in the UK. The group has reviewed and provided suggested changes in the UK curriculum where cli...
Climate Education
Climate Generation Resource Library
A resource library of curricula, stories and guides, videos, activities, and toolkits. The resources are interdisciplinary and can be used in the following classes: earth science, life science, physical science, civics, economics, history, media, Eng...
Climate Education
Setting up environmental clubs (Uganda)
Story about the leadership of Teach For Uganda fellow Chandia Judith in forming vibrant and inclusive environmental clubs in her placement community in Uganda and involving and training many members from the wider community.