Future of Work
Career Orientation in Schools: Challenges and Solutions
In this article, Heike Yürgüc examines career guidance challenges in the German education system, where a 2023 Bertelsmann Foundation survey found that only 37% of young people feel adequately supported. The article highlights four key strategies for...
Education in Emergencies
Living Together: Refugee
Lesson plans, worksheets, debate session plans, dialogue-based learning, and student stories on the topic of refugees. They explore questions like "What would you take?" and "To leave or to stay?" and explain reasons to migrate.
Climate Education
Environmental Reflections in Asian Cinema
This film collection explores the intricate relationship between environmental degradation and conservation, and its intersection with the socio-economic and political landscapes in India, Indonesia, and the Philippines through the lens of cinema. Th...
Climate Education
Climate Changemakers Campaign
An interactive website for children. After watching videos, reading stories, and taking a short quiz on being a climate changemaker, children can take action by writing a message explaining why climate education is important.
Karega Bailey: Growing Roses in Concrete (Seeds of Hope)
In this video from 2016, Karega Bailey, former student mentor at Roses in Concrete school, talks about the importance of disrupting the pervasive narrative of hopelessness in low-income communities.
Climate Education
Global Voices: Six Films on Asia-Pacific Communities Addressing the Climate Crisis
This playlist of films features different Asia-Pacific communities addressing the climate crisis in the Philippines, India, Indonesia, and Cambodia. It's hosted by Cinemata, a platform for social and environmental films in Asia-Pacific.
Climate Education
How Climate Change Affects Disadvantaged People in Africa
This article is in the form of a research paper that describes the impact of climate change on disadvantaged people in Africa. It is a short and easy read that contains some knowledge assessment questions at the end. This can be used by teachers to p...
Climate Education
The Feminist Solution to Climate Change
This podcast episode from "Sky News ClimateCast" highlights women's and girls' vulnerability to climate change impacts, by exploring their potential to contribute significantly to addressing climate change, emphasizing the importance of empowering th...
Climate Education
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Simple Guide to Schools in Africa
This booklet was designed by UNESCO for STEM mentorship camps in African secondary schools to assist teachers in educating students about climate change. It contains pictorial and easy-to-read information on climate change, along with guidance on how...
Girls' Education
Girls' Voices Curriculum
A 10-week curriculum to support girl leaders and their allies to identify the issues that impact girls most in their communities, develop strategies to amplify their voices, launch girl-led advocacy campaigns, and effectively educate decisionmakers.