Education in Emergencies
L'enseignement de la thématique des réfugiés
Cette page internet réunit une variété de supports pédagogiques qui sont dédiés aux élèves et privilégient l’apprentissage interactif avec les pairs et les enseignants, tout en mettant l’accent sur les compétences socio-émotionnelles et la diversité....
Identifying Purpose
This thought exercise for teachers will help you consider how different motivations lead to very different actions in the classroom. You will reflect on how often your daily actions are driven by other pressures, and how your daily actions might be d
Climate Education
Teaching Climate Change (Philippines)
The Department of Education of the Philippines, through the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service, compiled climate change education resources, such as lesson plans, videos, and interactive online activities, which teachers can use in teachi...
Climate Education
Interactive Learning Toolkit on Climate Change
The Climate Box consists of an illustrated textbook, climate quiz, map, and poster, that can provide students with important information on issues related to global climate change in an interesting, attractive, and entertaining way.
Climate Education
European Association of Geographers Climate Education Projects and Resources
European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO) promotes the importance of geographical education and spatial thinking as a contribution towards the development of a better understanding of our world and, therefore, global citizenship. EUROGEO is invol...
Climate Education
Australian Association for Environmental Education Resources
The Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc. develops and shares a variety of resources and materials for use in educational lessons on sustainability and the natural environment. The topics include climate change, butterfly gardening,...
Climate Education
Young Climate Activists Toolkit in MENA
Developed in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, this toolkit equips young people in the MENA Region with knowledge, tools, and resources to engage in regional and global youth climate action and advocate for change.
Climate Education
Transform Our World Resources
A quality-rated resource hub to help teachers bring environmental action into the classroom. It includes a range of resources from individual lesson plans and assemblies to full-scale year-long programs on various sustainability and environment-based...