Climate Education
Resources for Teaching About Climate Change
New York Times page with the following resources for climate change awareness: a digital children's book with a related lesson plan, an interactive quiz to assess students' knowledge, and a short film on the impact of climate change in Nicaragua. Add...
Girls' Education
Teach For All Talk: Safeena Husain
A Teach For All Talk featuring the founder of Educate Girls in India. The talk provides great insight into Educate Girls' community-based model for changing beliefs and expectations for girls in rural India.
Future of Work
Future of Work Initiative Overview
The world of work is evolving rapidly shaped by tech advances and societal shifts, yet education systems struggle in preparing students. Learn how Teach For All's Future of Work initiative equips students globally to thrive in this dynamic economy.
Inclusive Education
Universal Design for Learning: A Teacher's Guide
This article highlights the purpose of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), what it looks like in the classroom, and the principles of UDL that emphasize learner variability. It also looks at how families can support student learning through UDL.
Community Impact Lab
The Missing Piece: Developing Collective Leadership to Transform Education
This report from Teach For All explores what we’ve learned about what it takes to develop collective leadership to create the enabling conditions for change. Over the past five years, Teach For All has been exploring the questions of what it takes to...
Future of Work
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Classroom: Nurturing Awareness and Career Exploration
This resource is designed to provide comprehensive guidance to teachers on educating students about artificial intelligence (AI). It offers engaging lesson plans and activities aimed at... introducing students to AI fundamentals, its real-world appli...
Education in Emergencies
Refugee Education: UNHCR Teaching Materials
This web page contains a variety of teaching materials for students that prioritize interactive learning with peers and teachers and emphasize social-emotional skills and diversity. The materials are divided into sections by student age groups: 6-9, ...