Strength In Unity 2: Co-constructing A learning community of parent advocates
In this video from 2015, watch how Teach For India fellow Pooja Chopra collaborated with her students' mothers to design a business and build their skillsets to be advocates for their daughters' learning and dreams.
Equity Aligned Movement Building: Community-centred movement building and system change
In this video from 2017, Teach For America Alumna, Brittany Packnett, shares insightful reflections on Equity Aligned Movement Building, emphasizing the importance of community-centered approaches for driving systemic change.
Courage Through Autonomy: Autonomía para La Valentía
In this video from 2014, Claudia Araya (Enseña Chile, 2012) shares her reflections on how she developed the independence and leadership in students that are necessary for them to take ownership of their dreams and make them a reality.
Docentes como Aprendices, Ejercicio Reflexivo: Polaridades
En este ejercicio, reflexionamos acerca de dónde nos encontramos dentro de un espectro completo de perspectivas relacionadas con esta lente de Docentes como Aprendices. Y consideramos qué otros espectros de perspectivas se relacionan con esta lente.